Thursday, May 26, 2011

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Rock Candy

Over the first few weeks of school room 14 has been growing rock candy, it has been super fun waiting for them to start growing, but it is hasn't started growing and we found out that we put in the liquid while it was still warm and it melted the sugar on the skewer which means the liquid when its cool enough won't stick to the skewer(or the sugar on the skewer) and Briar and Levi made up some new liquid which hopefully will work!!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Rooom 14's Science

This term Room 14 is participating in the science fair. We have to to come up with a experiment; but before we can enter it we must come with a way to test it to make sure it works and is not a load of baloney.